Tuesday, August 7, 2007

If You Have To Cheat, You Shouldn't Be In the Game

August 4, 2007 Saturday 12:40 AM EST


Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga. (11th CD), issued the following press release:

U.S. Representative Phil Gingrey, M.D., today blasted the reprehensible tactics of the Democratic leadership in the House, which culminated last night in the manipulation of a floor vote - for the benefit of illegal immigrants to the United States.

"We have seen time and again this week the willingness of the Democratic leadership to manipulate the rules and the procedures of the House to lock out Republicans from participating in the democratic process," said Gingrey. "But to disenfranchise the elected Representatives of the people so that federal welfare benefits might be given to illegal aliens - that is a failure to uphold the very Constitution those Democratic leaders have sworn to defend."

Last night, during debate on the Fiscal Year 2008 Agriculture Appropriations bill, Republicans offered a procedural Motion to Recommit which would have prevented any federal benefits - including food stamps - from going to illegal aliens. At the end of the allotted time for voting, Democrats gaveled the vote to a close, proclaiming a vote of 214 to 214 (a tie, which would have caused the motion to fail), when in fact, the actual vote count was 215 to 213 - meaning that the motion had passed, and illegal immigrants would have been barred from receiving federal benefits.

"I find it unfathomable that 213 Democratic Members of the House could ever believe that illegal aliens deserve to receive food stamps," Gingrey continued. "But the fact remains that the leaders of the Democratic Caucus are so desperate to ram their liberal, extremist agenda through Congress that they are willing to break the rules, change the vote, and trample the rights of any Members who oppose them. It is an insult to this institution, and an insult to the American people."

Last night was only the latest example of how far the Democrat majority is willing to go to stop any disagreement with its extremist agenda. Earlier in the week, House Democrats cut billions of dollars in Medicare benefits for our nation's seniors, just to provide healthcare insurance for wealthy families and illegal immigrants. Rep. Gingrey and fellow Georgian Rep. Tom Price of the Sixth Congressional District joined together on the floor to delay consideration of the Agriculture Appropriations bill to draw public attention to these tactics. The Democratic leadership responded by preventing House Republicans from offering any amendments to the bills under consideration, throwing out centuries of House precedent and silencing the voices of hundreds of duly-elected Representatives.

Contact: Chris Jackson, 202/225-2931.
August 6, 2007
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